Order package status description

serial numberEnglish statusChinese statusillustrate
1Pending PaymentTo be paidOrder fee pending
2Pendingpayment confirmationOrder fee to be confirmed
3ProcessingProcessingThe order has been assigned to the appropriate (purchase/return) worker
4PurchasedorderedProduct ordered
5Awaiting Confirmationto be confirmedThe order has information that needs to be confirmed with you
6Merchant ShippedShippedThe product seller has sent out and is waiting for the product to arrive at the CNstorm warehouse
7ArrivedarrivedCommodity inspection and weighing are completed, waiting for storage
8In stockStockedThe product has entered the CNstorm warehouse, and you can submit it for delivery (please submit the delivery within the product storage period)
9Freight PendingShipping to be paidThe package has been submitted and the fee is pending
10Shipment Processingparcel processingThe order has been assigned to the appropriate (packing/documentation) worker
11ProcessedpackedThe items you ordered have been combined into the package according to the options
12ShippedsentThis item has been shipped for you
13CompletecompletedThe item has been delivered
14Partialty_refundedPartial refundpartial refund of an order
15Refundedrefundedorder return
16ExpiredOverdueIf the commodity exceeds the storage period, the system will automatically set the expiration date and destroy it
17Parcel Returnedpackage returnedThe package is returned due to reasons such as failing the customs security inspection or failing to deliver properly
18VoidedinvalidIf the product cannot be purchased, or there is a payment problem, etc., it will be regarded as an invalid order/package
19Ship Direct direct mailWhen the items in the shopping cart generate an order, the package is generated at the same time, so there is no need to manually submit the delivery again
20Paid FreightShipping paidPackage paid for and ready to ship
21Canceled CancelledIf the package is cancelled, the order in the package can be submitted for delivery again